Building and Occupancy Permits for Health and Aged Care
> Residential development projects
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> Health & aged care projects
> Building and Occupancy permits for
Health and Aged Care
Health & aged care > Applying the Building Regulations and the BCA to hospitals and health care facilities is our bread and butter. One of the key challenges of refurbishing existing hospitals is the planning and implementation of the staging Building and Occupancy Permits for the works whilst keeping the hospital functioning and safe from the hazards of construction. The logistics and planning required for the complexities of decanting and staging of works is intense!
Patient, staff and visitor safety requires integrating the Building Regulation and BCA requirements for fire and smoke compartmentation with the functional divisions of Hospital use and operation. The careful integration of Building Regulation and BCA requirements for air conditioning, mechanical ventilation, medical gases, smoke hazard management and fire protection systems with fire compartmentation needs in both new and existing facilities is paramount.
Recent projects of note include:
Recent projects of note include: